Does Committing Suicide Condemn People to Hell?

This is a question many people think about.If your a person thinking about suicide then you need to know that this action could be one which represents a lack of true faith in Jesus Christ and therefore could place you before the throne of God without the death of Christ applied to your sins.It is this that would place your soul in danger. For without the suffering of Christ being the payment of your sins then you are lost.Suicide is a sin not a solution. Since it is the sin of murder it is a very serious sin. So to commit suicide is taking a very high spiritual risk and it would never be a wise or a safe way to enter into eternity.If you are having thoughts of suicide then contact a local mental health professional, a local hospital emergency department, or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1–800–273-TALK (8255). Calls to the Lifeline are routed 24 hours a day to the crisis center closest to the caller where staff is trained to work with people who are suicidal. Get help now!If you are a friend or family member of someone who has committed suicide then you need to know that just because your loved one committed suicide does not mean their is no hope of salvation. This one act alone would not deny a person who believed in Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior forgiveness and eternal life. So we should not give up all hope for our loved one simply because they committed suicide.Different types of SuicideDirect Suicide is when one intentionally desires to take his/her own life. This is the sin of murder.Irrational Suicide is when one suffers from some mental and emotional break down and is unable any longer to know right from wrong. They have lost the means to make rational decisions and in this condition suffer the loss of their life due to some action they take. Those in an irrational state are not morally responsible for their actions. So such sad events are not sin.Indirect suicide is when the goal is to prevent harm to others but the effect is to lose one’s life, even though one does not desire to kill themselves. This is not a sin.Only direct suicide is a sin because it is  “self-murder”.Why do people have the idea that suicide leads to going to hell?The idea that suicide automatically condemns someone to hell is an idea that many Christians believe to be true. The reasoning for this is:A sin must be confessed and repented of to be forgivenA person who commits suicide cannot confess or repent of it after this has been committed.Therefore, direct and intentional suicide must result in eternal damnation because this sin has not been forgiven.This is not true.The Problem with this reasoningIf this was true of suicide then it would have to be true of all other sins.If every sin must be confessed and repented of in a very particular way to be forgiven then only those who have confessed and repented of every particular sin will go to heaven.Every Christian has sins they have failed to confess and repent of at the time of death. Sin includes hardness of heart, selfishness, greed, lust, and anger.So then, if we must confess and repent of all sins to avoid hell, then all Christians will go to hell because they die with unconfessed sins of which they have not repented fully.This clearly is not what the bible teaches. The scriptures say that heaven will be filled with so many people that they cannot be numbered from all cultures and nations. (Revelation 5:11)So this would show that the logic that suicide is an unforgivable sin is flawed and is not true.Why are people not sent to hell?The questions about suicide show we are confused about why people do not go to hell.People do not go to hell because they are justified (Declared Righteous) because of the death of Christ for them which once for all pays for all their sins. The moment they believe in Christ they move from death to life. Even this faith is a gift of God and not a good work.No particular sin they commit after conversion can then damn them to hell (Romans 5:1-11). Therefore, suicide does not automatically damn to hell.  However it could be a sign of a person not having faith in Christ. Faith in Christ changes us and gives us a new direction in life. This is not perfect but substantial. So the only question is if a person’s suicide was because they did not really know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. That is what matters when talking about heaven or hell.The issue then is always the same. Does a person have faith in Christ and therefore their sins are paid by the sacrifice of Christ, or do they not have faith in Christ and therefore must pay for all their own sins including suicide. Have I called upon the Living Christ to be the one that will pay for my sins or am I still depending on myself to pay for my own sins? That is the one key issue which determines hell or heaven and not the act of suicide itself.Suicide in not the unforgivable sin nor does it immediately result in person being justly condemned to hell.PrayerLord, give to those thinking about suicide new hope and the ability to see that you are at work in their lives even when things are painful and hard. Let them seek good counselors and people to help them. Lord have mercy on them and give them a desire to live.Lord, for those mourning the death of a loved one who committed suicide then let them turn the eternal destiny of their loved one into your hands knowing you love that person more than they do. Give them a peace beyond their understanding. Take from them the false idea that they are responsible for the sinful decision of their loved one. Allow them your comfort. Amen


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