Finding Faith in a Fallen Word?

Psalm 55:5 NASB - "5 Fear and trembling come upon me, And horror has overwhelmed me." Psalm 119:143 NASB - "143 Trouble and anguish have come upon me, Yet Your commandments are my delight." Most of the times our worst fears do not actually manifest themselves into our lives. Our present lives we live in most of the time are filled with good things and rarely have in them the worst. Actually, we would not survive long is God’s grace and love did not continually hold us up. Yet, there are times when true calamity hits and we are left without possible answers. Sometimes “East of Eden” there are no good solutions. Within the moral alternatives there are bad and worst courses. There can be doubt on where the moral lines are and we find ourselves in “grey” areas not certain of what is allowed. But even when we include the “grey” decisions, there are no answers only less painful have to make you.  Sometimes there are no choices to be made but only to suffer through circumstances that are not consequences of poor decisions but are simply part of living outside of paradise. At such times our faith is deeply tested.It is clear from the Bible that such times can come upon people who have true faith in Messiah Jesus as it can also come upon any other human being. Faith does not protect or shield us from such times.What comfort can we find? One source is found here is Psalm 119:143 to be in the “mitzvah” or “commandments” of God. This can bring us back to one of the most important verses in the bible on knowing the will of God which is found in Deuteronomy 29:29."29 "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law."The secret things include the times of “hard providence” that are written into our lives These are the “trials”, which are times which would provide evidence in what we experience, that God does not exist or is limited in power, or is lacking love towards us.So how can we know that God exists, is not laking in power, and does love us during such times? By looking to the things revealed in the scriptures, the order of creation, and the person of the Messiah Jesus. The testimony of the writings of the prophets, the wonder of the universe, and the death with resurrection of the Messiah Jesus all shout at us that God is good, great, full of grace, with us in this life of grief, and using everything for ultimate good.So when we are in the dark times we must not focus on the darkness but instead remember the light and love of God revealed in the person Messiah Jesus.May the Lord of grace pour out a revelation of HIS grace upon us all, and especially upon those who are in the midst of times of struggle. Lord have mercy. Amen


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