Hear our cry this day!

[Psa 107:28-31 NLT] 28 "LORD, help!" they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. 29 He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. 30 What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor! 31 Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.

Creator of the Universe, designer of the living cells that make up life and the multitude of stars which make up the heavens, to YOU who lives in eternity and also in my heart, The ONE greater than my greatest vision and understanding of who YOU are; Redeemer Immanuel Jesus who suffered my hell on the cross and gave me new life in the resurrection, Infinite SPIRIT, abiding in me as a gift of LOVE, help me now to become aware of YOUR presence, power, and peace that is over me, under me, all around me, and in the very core of who I am as my eternal companion.  Let this reality flood into me now so I may experience what is always true. 

Today forgive me for not seeing how vital it is for me to seek YOU, to know YOU, and have YOUR life manifested in my words, deeds, thoughts, and attitudes.  Help me see the profound calling YOU have on me as YOUR child, YOUR priest, YOUR ambassador, YOUR salt, and YOUR light in this troubled, struggling, and desperate time in world history.  

Help me live a life consistent with the gospel today.   Provide me strength where I feel my weakness.  Grant me hope where I struggle with my hopelessness.  Revive me!  Renew me! Restore me!  

LORD, the state of things is one of agony, anger, discord, mourning, loss, confusion, and chaos.   The very foundations of life and culture seem to be in the process of being destroyed.  How can we stand unless YOU come in fresh manifestation and revelation!   Remember we are only dust!   Rescue us now!

I pray that today YOU will fill me with YOUR SPIRIT, open my heart to YOUR WORD, help me trust YOU at the worst times, make me hate evil and seek righteousness, let not my will but YOUR will be done in my life,  allow YOUR resurrected life now overflow through me into the lives of others, and great HERO of heaven, deliver me from the foolish temptations of my own rebellious heart, the false promises of happiness offered by my culture, and the deceptive lies of the devil.  LORD, crush the head of the serpent now under the feet of YOUR people the day!

I pray this not just for myself but for my children, my grandchildren, my extended family, my friends, my church, my foes, and those people YOU have put in my life to have an influence on the day.  Amen


Beating Bitterness Seminar


One Essential Thing (How To Abide in Christ)