Help us now! (Psalm 79)

Meditations on Psalm 79

LORD, we your people have sinned and lost our way.  The unbelieving world rejoices to see us confused and divided.  YOUR people are in ruins. 

The blood of YOUR saints is poured out on the streets today.  YOUR daughters and sons are tortured for their faith today in prisons around the world.  As they hated YOU, they now hate us.  LORD remember your children and give us strength as we suffer persecution. 

We call for repentance for the people that taunt, mock, and deride us.  Give to them the gift of faith and save them.

Forgive us our iniquities for the sake of YOUR sacrifice on the cross and bring to us YOUR resurrection power that we might bear YOUR LOVE into this world. Have compassion on YOUR Church this day and come to revive us speedily for we are brought very low.

Help us, Redeeming Creator who has given us salvation, For the sake of YOUR name come now and deliver us from the attacks of the devil and his host. Let the gates of hell not prevail in this generation against us. 

Hear the cries of YOUR persecuted Church, and help those imprisoned for YOUR name.  Hear the groans of YOUR children who are imprisoned for YOUR name. 

LORD Jesus, we are YOUR people, the sheep of YOUR pasture, accept now our thanks and praise.  May our children and their children worship YOU forever and ever.  Amen


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