Jesus is not ashamed of us

Meditation on Hebrews 2:10-18LORD Messiah Jesus, you are the pioneer, prince, and trail blazer of our salvation and the only way your sons and daughters could come into the full revelation of YOUR greatness, goodness, and grace was provided by YOU giving a perfect sacrifice, suffering, and payment for our many breaking of the law of love. LORD, how could YOU suffer for us?YOU have set us apart. Chosen us.LORD, Jesus as fully human now as well as fully divine, you accept us without shame of us. How can that be? Yet, YOU have said it is true. I am ashamed of myself so many times. How can you focus on the fact that YOUR incarnation came from God the Father and our regeneration has come from God the Father so therefore YOU accept us as siblings.As a man Lord Jesus, you demonstrated to us a pure and full trust in the Father during every aspect of life. YOU see as as now YOUR family that God has given to YOU. I am adopted. All believing disciples are adopted.LORD, let me see the scope and wonder of YOUR defeat of the devil by YOUR death on the cross. YOU have set me free from the fear of death and damnation. Help me live in that freedom and faith.High Priest Jesus, YOU have paid my hell fire on the cross and fully paid the moral penalty for my sin. May YOU be praised forever for YOUR infinite sacrifice and suffering for sin.YOU were tested and suffered. Now come to me as I am tested and help me not fail to believe under the struggle of the testing.Lord have mercy. Today come and abide in me and let me abide in YOU. Let me experience now today what I must in order to bear YOUR fruit into this culture. Amen


Praying in the Dark Times


Christmas Family Reunion fundraiser and Silent Auction