LORD, help me seek YOU! (Psalm 27)

Lord of salvation and stronghold of my life, in this revelation now free me of fear.Defeat the dark lord of lies and cause all his plans to fail for my life.Lead me not into temptation and deliver me from evil.In the middle of the conflict I now face help me live by faith and not fear.Lord, help me to seek YOU and dwell in YOUR love, Let me be YOUR family, and see YOUR beauty and truth.Hide me in YOUR love, conceal me in YOUR compassion, and life me to safety in YOUR grace.I sing of YOUR great victory in the cross and resurrection. Blessed be the LAMB who was slain and now lives. LORD, may all glory be given to YOU.LORD, never forsake me as YOU have promised YOU will never leave me. For without YOU I can do nothing and I am nothing. Do not hide YOUR face from me but let me experience the reality of YOUR presence with me. Be gracious to me dear LORD.Lord, I need YOU to teach me the ways of life and faith. Lead me in the right path. Help me to be patient in have strength and courage. Let me see YOUR goodness LORD all around me.LORD let me see YOU more clearly, that I may love YOU more dearly, and follow YOU more nearly, day by day. Amen


Lord, be my strength this day! (Psalm 28)


LORD, make me more faithful! (Psalm 26)