LORD, I praise YOU! (Psalm 22:22-31)

Meditation on Psalm 22:22-31Lord Messiah YOU are risen, YOU are risen indeed. I stand in awe of YOUR sacrifice on the cross. LORD, may all YOUR people give you honor, passionate compliments, and praise.YOU LORD, are merciful, faithful, compassionate, long suffering, patient, brave, wise, and sacrificial. Help me see YOU more clearly.Hear me LORD when I am most weak.YOU, Messiah Jesus, will bring back Eden on steroids and the struggle and suffering of this age will be no more. In YOU LORD, is the victory.Awaken all the nations around the globe and allow there to be a great revival and renewal. Give people from every tribe an nation a revelation of YOUR love. Fill the earth with worship of YOU that is in Spirit and Truth. YOU are KING an all authority an power are in YOUR hands.May all the powerful and proud leaders of the earth, bow down and submit to YOU. May all creation serve YOU and give YOU glory for YOUR sacrifice for our sins on the cross and resurrection from the dead.Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen


Lord, guide me! (Psalm 23)


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