LORD, where are YOU? (Psalm 10)

Meditation on Psalm 10Why Lord do you seem to us to stand far away? It seems to us that YOU are not involved in times of trouble. Why do YOU seem to hide YOURSELF from us when we most need YOU? LORD please allow us to be aware of YOU in our desperate times of need.Lord, cause the 49 dictatorships in the world to recognize that YOU will bring judgment upon them for any abuse of the poor and the use of their power for greedy gain. Stop the oppression!Lord, even now President Assad and President Putin crush others for the selfish desires of their souls. Remove them from their positions of power or convert their hearts to justice. Help the victims of the gas attacks to get proper medical care and comfort their families. Bring YOUR people to the victims to show them YOUR love.Save Syria. Help the refugees. Help us know how to help the refugees. Grant us wisdom in what we do and how we do it to bring them aid.Help me now live outside of YOUR sight. Keep me from living as a "secular" man as if YOU were not a constant reality. Keep me from practical atheism.Humble the powerful and the proud. Have mercy on them by bringing them trouble before the final day of judgment that they may see their weakness and acknowledge YOUR power. Cut through their lies and make them face the truth. Protect and provide for the victims.Arise, O LORD Redeeming Creator infinite in power and wisdom. Arise and save the afflicted and the helpless. Grant help to all the orphans caused by such brutal times.YOU LORD are KING of the universe forever and ever!. YOU hear the cries and desires of the suffering. Provide strength for their struggle. Move in a way that those who oppress will be defeated and we will not live in terror any longer.Great KING, YOU wait for the nations to awaken and repent. Not willing for any to perish but all to come to repentance. Send new waves of revival and take from us our hearts of stone and replace them with hearts of flesh in which our conscience is sensitive to the harm we cause and our need for YOU.Arise Redeeming KING and send abundant light out and heal the eyes of the blind that they may see. For YOUR glory and our good now act in ways abundantly greater than what we could imagine or hope. Lord we are desperate for YOU.Begin YOUR work among the covenant children who have strayed like sheep from the teaching and prayers of their parents.Awaken them. Remember the prayers of their mothers and fathers for their salvation.Make disciples of them all.May the baptized children all be converted. May the dedicated infants all be set aside by YOUR SPIRIT for special conviction and conversion.Save this generation. Great Saving God and Messiah, now act. Wonderful High Priest Jesus, help us now. Have mercy. Amen


Lord, I feel like running away! (Psalm 11)
