LORD, YOU alone can save me (Psalm 22:1-11)

Meditation upon Psalm 22:1-11LORD Messiah Jesus, why did you allow YOURSELF to suffer hell for me on the cross? Why do YOU taste my despair? How could YOUR love move YOU to take my place on the cross?Help me to see that because of YOUR work, I will not be forsaken. Because of YOU, I will be rescued and saved. Because of YOU, the throne of grace is always open to me and my prayers are heard. Because of YOU, I am blessed and not cursed. It is all because of YOU.Thank YOU!It seems LORD at times that I pray and YOU are far from me. Help me to pray "in the gospel" and not "under the sun". Increase my faith in the gospel. Let me know YOU are always hearing me in YOUR love.Great good and merciful Redeeming Creator YOU are holy and are praised by YOUR people forever.The great people of faith have trusted in YOU and cried out to YOU, and you responded by providing deliverance, rescue, and keeping all YOUR promises. Help me remember YOUR history of faithfulness and trust more in YOU being faithful to me today. Lord have mercy.Yet, on the cross YOU suffered. There seemed that day of judgment, no deliverance or rescue of YOU. YOU suffered hell fire for me. How can this be? Amazing love, how can it be?From the birth in Bethlehem and throughout YOUR ministry YOU Messiah knew total intimacy with the FATHER, but on the cross YOU suffered rejection and shame for me. How can it be?LORD, YOU have been with me since I was a child. YOU LORD JESUS have always been my LORD and my God. I have no one but YOU.Let me not feel YOU are far from me when YOU are in me, around, me, and above me. Trouble is near. There is no one but YOU Messiah to help me. Help me now and have mercy on me for all my failings.LORD Messiah, awaken me. LORD Messiah awaken YOUR church. LORD Messiah shake the nations once more and bring waves of conviction of sins and give the true gift of faith.Save the children dedicated to YOU from their births and answer the prayers of their parents that they be disciples. Bring salvation to them so separated from the world by the prayers and teaching of their parents and local churches. For YOUR glory and the good of these children, now save them. Remember the prayers of their mothers. Remember the prayers of their fathers. Have mercy now. Save now!Draw near to me today LORD and help me to draw near to YOU.


LORD, thank you for YOUR sacrifice! ( Psalm 22:12-21)


LORD, bring YOUR victory to us! (Psalm 21)