Meditation on John 15:1

Meditation on John 15:1"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser."  John 15:1Jesus is the true vine and God the Father is the vinedresser or gardener.  Since Jesus says that HE is the “true” vine there must be at least one “false vine”.  The Messiah Jesus may be thinking of Jeremiah 2:21 in which Israel instead of being the faithful planted vine of the LORD, has become a foreign vine bearing ungodly fruit.   Messiah Jesus is the true Israel, the faithful vine, and the one that will now be the source of a great harvest for God.The LORD Jesus is the source of life, fruitfulness, nourishment, and strength.   If I am looking to anyone outside Jesus to be the source of life, fruitfulness, nourishment, and strength I am connected to a “false vine” which will never produce the good fruit of true loving holiness.  Outside of Jesus where do I turn to find energy, effectiveness, and enjoyment?   This is my idol.It must be Jesus only Jesus, that I depend on as my Savior, hope, helper, healer, leader, teacher, prophet, priest, and king.   I need to know and experience Jesus as the only source that can produce a healthy and holy life in me.The Apostle Paul seems to reflect this when he says:"I have been crucified with Messiah Jesus; and it is no longer I who live, but Messiah Jesus lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."  Galatians 2:20God the Father is the “vinedresser” or gardener.  The heavenly Father takes care of the vineyard and HE oversees, cares for, nurtures, trims, and defends the garden and the vine (Matthew 21:33).  The eternal loving Father has planted HIS SON, giving HIM to be the source of life, grace, mercy, and love to HIS people.The effective Divine Gardener has great investment, care, and love for HIS vineyard.  HE manages the vineyard to produce the greatest amount of production and profit for HIS kingdom.  The wise and compassionate Father is the ultimately good, great, committed, caring, and involved gardener of my life in Messiah Jesus.My heavenly Father is faithfully, diligently, consistently, and lovingly involved directly in my daily life to make me reach my full potential. PrayerLiving Triune great, good, and eternal Redeeming Creator, give me practical and real faith in the LORD Jesus to be the one and only source in my life that can produce in me wisdom, righteousness, love, holiness, purpose, and redemption.Help my heart to see that Messiah has a monopoly on everything good and that the only thing that I have to boast about is that HE is in me and I am in HIM (1 Corinthians 1:30-31).Good gardening Eternal Father, King of the Universe, help me believe that regardless of how chaotic my life appears, YOU are watching over, caring, and providing me daily opportunities to grow and give in a useful way.  YOU are working all things out for good.Help me trust YOU heavenly Father when I am in dark and painful times, that YOU never sleep or slumber, but are a faithful Watchman over my daily life and soul every moment of every day.Give me faith LORD Jesus to trust YOU to be my vine and the Father to be my vinedresser.


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