Meditation on Psalm 112

Meditation on Psalm 112

May I be in awe of YOU, Eternal Redeeming Creator.

Give me the inner grace and power to have a healthy respect, appreciation, wonder, and fear of YOU in your greatness, goodness and grace. 

Give to me a delight in YOUR commandments, trusting that they are wise and for my good.  Help me not trust to my own understanding but to YOUR understanding. 

Give grace to my descendants and make them strong in faith, love, and hope.

Give the blessing of daily bread to my extended family but most importantly give them a hunger and thirst for YOUR truth.

Help my life bear eternal positive impact.

In the darkest of times let me be filled with grace, compassion, and righteousness by YOUR work in me.  LORD Jesus YOU are the vine and I am the branch.  Pour YOUR life out through me. 

Help me to be kind, compassionate and gracious to those in need.  YOU LORD have been compassionate and gracious to me in my need.

Let my faith not be shaken and help me trust that my faith will bear eternal fruit.

Help me trust in YOUR plan and purpose during the most evil of times.  Help my heart be sane and stable when all of life seems like chaos.

Defeat the dark lord and his host in my life and the life of my family.  Destroy his lies.  Let me not fear his power to destroy but trust in YOUR power to save. 

LORD Jesus YOU are my righteousness and have given to me at the moments of my greatest poverty.  YOU have lifted up and conquered.  Lift me up with YOU in YOUR victory.

Overcome evil with YOUR good great Messiah.  Answer my cry.  Help me in my desperation.  Increase my vision of YOU that I might trust YOU more completely.  Amen


Meditation on Psalm 113


LORD, let me know that you have not rejected us! (Psalm 74)