Meditation on Psalm 115

Meditation on Psalm 115

Great living God who dwells in eternity and also in the hearts of humanity, YOU are faithful to YOUR promises of compassion and love.  YOU always tell the truth and are the TRUTH.  Wisdom, knowledge, and integrity are at the essence of YOUR nature.  May YOU be seen as YOU are in awe and appreciation.  

Make known YOUR presence, peace, and passion among us YOUR people, that the unbelieving culture around us will not say “where is their God”.  

YOU are high and lifted up, doing whatever YOU please, guided by YOUR lovingkindness and truth. 

Keep us from making the ultimate concern of our lives material things and temporal pursuits.  Help us not trust in ourselves or our inventions to save us.  As we make the physical and material the entire focus of our lives we become less human, less feeling, and less alive.  Save us from this death of soul. 

Give to us a deep abiding trust, reliance, and faith in YOUR character, competence and compassion.  Help us at our most desperate times.  Protect us when we are most exposed.  Surround us now with YOUR perfect love. 

Be our helper and shield. 

Pour out YOUR undeserved grace and mercy upon us forgiving us our sins and restoring our souls. 

Make our children and grandchildren YOUR true disciples.  Fill our families with faith in YOU.  

Give us wisdom to be wise stewards of YOUR creation.  Fill our hearts with YOUR praise.

Living and True Redeeming Creator in Messiah Jesus, have mercy on us this day. 


Dealing with Infidelity


Lord, I am coming home (Luke 15:11-33)