Get a journal & a bible.  Go to a quiet and peaceful place.  Ask God to help you to prepare for the nextyear.

I.                Inventory.

During the inventory phase, consider your life’s journeyso far. What do you “own”, both literally and figuratively? If your life were alarge warehouse, and everything you have and are is stacked on shelves…. Take an inventory! Obviously, itwon’t be complete but write a list of those things that seem significant. Whatpassions and desires do you have? What have you achieved? Where have youfailed? Who are you? What gifts do you have? What experiences have you had,both hard and good? How has God used you?

My life victories that God has given me

My life defeats

My Strengths

My Weakness

My Opportunities

The Threats to me now




God “Sightings” in my life

II. What do you think God has in mind for you?

Next, take some time for prayerful imagining. If you wereGod…. what might you have in mind for someone who had this inventory? How mightyou be shaping this person for your purposes (as God)? This is obviously onlyan imagination exercise…. But play with it; perhaps God will reveal somethingas you step outside your life circumstances and consider the bigger picture.

What comes to mind? (writeit down in journal)



At the beginning of a year we reflect on what God’s willis for us, so that we might be available and obedient to it, above any otherinterest. Reflect on Romans 12 mark it up. What strikes you? What    if anything stands out? What and Why?

 AdditionalScriptures to reflect upon:

Luke 5: 1 – 11; Luke 13:1-5; Luke 18:1-8; John 3 ; John 21; Ezekiel 37: 1 – 10

What questions do you have for God based on thesereadings?

What might God be speaking to you through these (or otherpassages on your heart) today?

IV.       Questionsto answer

For the next portion of your time, reflect on these threequestions.  What’s unique about this“moment’ of time that we are in.  Whatmilestones will be happening this year? What decisions need to be made? Whatkey transitions, important growth or other change might be needed?  Answer these types of questions in yourjournal.

1.         What’simportant about this year?

2.         What mustget done this year from God’s point of view?

V.        KingdomVision & Prayer

Pray about what might be an over-arching theme or word thatbest reflects your vision for the next year. Also, pause to ask God what is onething you could do to draw closer to Jesus this year?

Pray to be controlled and possessed by the Holy Spiritthis year

Pray to be given a heart ready to receive HIS WORD andbear much fruit

Pray for the LORD to increase your faith, trust, andreliance upon HIM

Pray for the LORD to turn you away from sin and renew yourmind

Pray for the LORD to allow you to surrender to HIS loveand will

Pray for the LORD Jesus to abide with you and bear muchfruit in you

Pray for the LORD to deliver you from the devil, theworld, and unbelief

Spend time in praise, worship, contemplative prayer, andseeking the LORD!

May you have a blessed and fruitful new year

( inspired by https://www.soulcare.com/ 


Reaching Kingdom Focused Goals


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