Prayer during the times of the "Virus Crisis"

LORD of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob; Eternal Word, Messiah Jesus, now help us to adapt to this day that is filled with so many changes and in which all that was our normal way of life has been changed. YOU have stopped the normal operating the world. YOU are the one that rules over all events and they are aimed at YOUR purposes. We therefore seek YOU and ask for those purposes to be fulfilled, revival to come, renewal to be realized, and reformation accomplished. YOUR will be done on earth as in heaven. Relent now great merciful, compassionate, patient, of this just judgment upon us as a rebellious generation and as YOU forgave Nineveh long ago through the preaching of Jonah, now forgive us for YOUR glory. Holy Spirit come and bring to us the gift of repentance. LORD, comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones, give strength to the sick and skill to the doctors, and help our leaders to know the best policies to establish a safe and sane environment. LORD have mercy. Amen…


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