Prayer for today

LORD, maker of heaven and earth, Heavenly Father, King of the universe; Immanuel Messiah Jesus and HOLY SPIRIT - One true triune eternal Ultimate GOD, who dwells in eternity and in my heart.  

How great, good, and full of grace YOU are!  

Though I am but dust, now hear my cry to YOU!

My mind is not great enough to figure out the complex times I live in.  All of this is beyond me.   I am to small to understand and to weak to change the great oceans of change that not make up my life.  

In my pride I once thought I could understand and manage all these things.  But now I realize that it is way to much for me.  I am not in control.  

YOUR mind great eternal Creator and Redeemer easily understands all of these changing and complex times.  They are like kindergarten to YOU.   Nothing is beyond YOU.  YOUR power and wisdom will direct all things to work together for good in a grand tapestry of profound beauty and wonder.   

All this is to great for me.  I must trust YOU in the dark.

Rest in YOU in the dark.  Find peace in YOU in the dark.  Feel safe in YOU in the dark.  

YOU must be my light LORD now in the storm of life.  

So to YOU I cry!

Save those that are unsavable!   

Have mercy on those I love who are lost beyond all hope of redemption!  

Bring all the prodigal children back home to YOU and YOUR truth. 

Show me YOUR hand is not short that it cannot save!

Forgive me my sins of not being a more faithful witness. 

Save the Republic!

Save our leaders and guide them in showing goodness, greatness, and grace in all their decisions.  

Comfort the mourning, those who have lost loved ones who died of the virus, those who have lost loved ones who have died due to a policeman's brutality, and those whose loved one was a police officer who lost their lives in the line of duty protecting others.  The land is filled with cries of those who have lost loved one.  Hear the cries of the broken hearted and pour help and mercy on them!  Remember us in our grief!

Comfort the depressed, hopeless, despairing, fearful, unemployed, and homeless.  Move YOUR people to help them and encourage them.  To be YOUR voice and hands to bring them aid.  Be the HOPE of the hopeless!

Arise great all powerful God of the universe and save us from ourselves.  

Give us the deep repentance of those who heard the warning of Jonah and let our hearts be humbled and open to confessing our sins before YOU.  Take from us our self-righteousness.   Let us see that our best efforts are filthy rags in the light of YOUR holiness.  Our only hope is YOUR Redeeming LOVE revealed at the cross and YOUR resurrection.  Give us the gift of repenting hearts. 

Protect YOUR Church from false teaching and false conduct.  Let us not be tempted to follow every wind of doctrine or merely to be baptized echos of the wisdom of the rebellious world.  Help us be effective as the salt and light of the earth.  Renew us!  Reform us!  Fill us!   Use us!  Manifest YOUR wisdom, love, and life in us.  

Good Shepherd, HERO of heaven, now come.  Revive the dead, raise up the bones, and create a new generation of people who will worship and love for the glory of YOUR name.    Amen


Finding Unity in these dividing times


Desperate Prayers For Desperate Times