Prayer For Today

[Rom 16:19-20] 19 ..... I want you to be wise in the gospel and to stay innocent of evil. 20 Then the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

Great LORD of salvation and hope! Now come and bring to us YOUR salvation and hope into our daily lives.

Help me live a life worthy of YOUR sacrifice on the cross and resurrection of the dead. Allow my words, actions, and attitudes this day reflect YOUR redeeming love.

Let me not think I will win if I sin. Let me be pure of dependence on myself, the ways of my culture, or the deceptions of the devil. Grant me salvation from everything that is not YOUR gospel.

Prince of peace, now bring peace to our nation. Raise up peacemakers who will have words and deeds; of love, grace, mercy, understanding, unity, stability, and justice. Bring social healing and reconciliation.

End this plague and fear from us. We are but dust! Remember how weak we are and have mercy! Comfort the mourning, strengthen the sick, and help the unemployed find work.

Your kingdom come and will be done

Crush the head of Satan today for YOUR glory in the midst of this crisis!

Show us YOUR power to save! Amen


Bible Prayer For These Times


Prayer For Deliverance