Question To The Counselor - What is courage?

What is courage?Is Courage being mad and bad?Is Courage calling people names and slandering them?Is Courage being unreasonable and demanding only your own way?Is Courage being violent and abusive?No this is not courageCourage is to be afraid but do what has to be done even when one is afraid.Courage is not to be reckless in our words and actionsCourage is to be willing to stand for truth without being untruthfulCourage is to be willing to strand for righteousness without becoming self righteousCourage is to speak the truth in loveCourage is to be willing to be persecuted for righteousness sakeCourage is to be willing to be persecuted for the sake of Messiah JesusCourage is a gift from GodCourage is by grace aloneCourage is being able to see my own faults as more significant that the faults of others.Courage is changing my own life to be more right before I tell someone else how to make their life more right.Courage is being willing to be who God has called me to be even when that is not popular.Lord, give me courage.


Question to the Counselor - What is success?


Question to the Counselor - Can I lose my salvation?