Reality Check

 Meditation on Matthew 25:31-36Lord, let me make my decisions today on the basis of one day having to give an account for all I do or fail to do. Not doing what I am suppose to do is just as evil as doing things that lack love. Inactivity is a moral failure. Lord, have mercy upon me.Lord Jesus, Messiah help me see the needs around me. Allow me to see how I can show practical love towards those in need. Sensitize my heart to the poor, oppressed, and hurting. Help me see that giving to the poor is giving to YOU.Lord, my life is filled with priorities, help me examine these priorities and make sure they are YOUR priorities for my life. Help my business not become without kingdom focus or motivated by love. Holy Spirit fill my heart with YOUR love.King Jesus, help me see that success or failure will be determined by YOU and YOU alone. YOU are the one who will determine if I have lived well or wasted my life. Lord Jesus, help me to abide in YOU that I may bear the fruit of love into every aspect of my life. Incarnate YOUR love in me.Lord, awaken the nations from their spiritual and moral slumber. Come Holy Spirit, now flood out on all nations convicting them of their immorality, pride, and oppression. Help us see our need of YOU as Savior and Lord. Humble us that we may be lifted up.Lord have mercy now and revive, renew, reform, and restore YOUR people. Amen


Our Father, HELP!


Bless Me Lord!