Update on Living Water Counseling Ministry

Living Water Counseling – July 20141 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners; …. To comfort those who mourn. [Isa 61:1-4 NASB]Living Water Counseling began in 1991 and has impacted over 30,000 people by providing individual counseling and group training.This continues up to this day.Living Water Counseling is a ministry of First Church West. It is an outreach by our church to help heal hearts and homes by the power of gospel for the glory of God.We provide all of our pastoral counsel on a donation basis only. We never charge a fee for our counseling services and people are free to give what they are led to give. No one has ever been denied counseling due to a lack of ability to pay. We believe that every heart and home is precious to the Lord Jesus and our help to them to live a sane, stable, and spiritual life must never depend on their ability to pay.We provide scholarships to all of our Family Life Skill classes and provide our bi-weekly seminars on a donation basis. Our support groups are also provided on a free will offering. Every Saturday from 10 to noon we minister to groups ranging from 10 to 75. On Tuesday and Thursdays we provide Family Life Skill training in Tamarac to about 25 people. Living Water also provides these classes in Boca to an average of 30 people most every week.Every month we provide one on one counseling to about 60 individuals. This is provided both in individual and family counseling sessions. We speak to people about everything from depression, to how to raise children, ways in overcoming co-dependency, overcoming significant losses in life and methods of beating destructive addictive behavior.We are in the process of looking for new Christian counselors to help us since we have a waiting list most every week of over twenty people who we simply don’t have the means of ministering to for lack of hours. There is more need than we have the capacity to meet.In the near future we should be renting a separate office space in the shopping center next to the church to have additional space for individual counseling and classes. This office hopefully will open by October 1 of this year.On a monthly basis about 300 people are ministered to by the outreach of Living Water in addition to those that we reach through our “Ask the Counselor Program” on Gracenet radio.Please pray for us.Also for us to continue meeting the needs of the broken hearted and hurting families of South Florida we need financial support. If you feel led to give then please make a check out to Living Water Counseling and send it to 9904 NW 77th Street or call 954-726-2302. You can make a donation by phone using any major credit card.But most important pray for us for without the help of the Lord we can do nothing at all. Thank you for your prayers.


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