What is the Spirit saying to us?


“If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle-field besides is mere flight and disgrace to him if he flinches at that one point.”

Francis Schaeffer

Back in the ancient days of January 17th 1991 I left a sad and disturbing church leadership meeting in which we had engaged in a heated discussion on what is sometimes called the "worship wars" where debates about what type of songs should be used to worship should be used and people had attacked each other's character and motivations who held different viewpoints and little love or prayer were exercised.

As I got in my car, sad, disturbed, convicted and discouraged the radio began blaring out the news of our attack on Iraq in "Desert Storm". I said to myself in the car "We fiddled while Rome burned".

I fear that some parts of the body of Christ may be doing that today.

At a time when clearly God has brought upon us a "day of the Lord" to call us to humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, and seek HIM with greater intensity, instead we find people pushing their theological agendas, conspiracy theories, attacks on church leadership, and making much of small matters.

The "little point" that is really being attacked by the world and the devil is to choose panic instead of humble repentant prayer as the great need of the hour.

Trusting in ourselves to save us instead of knowing that no one can save us but God alone.

When the Messiah Jesus came, his greatest sorrow is that the temple was not a house of prayer for all nations. We are now as the body of Christ that temple. Let us strive to enter into becoming what our LORD so hungers to see us become; A House of Prayer".

LORD, awaken us to see the need we have of YOU, teach us to pray, fill us with the ability to have fervent prayers that will impact the world because they call for YOUR kingdom and righteousness to prevail on earth as in heaven. By your mercy now let us function in our priesthood, and remember we are but dust.

In mercy now and with a miracle of historic proportions send a worldwide revival to every nation and a spiritual awakening such as never been seen. Humble the world before YOU. Grant oceans of faith and repentance upon us. Whisper a word and instantly remove the virus from the planet. Allow YOUR plague to provide a means to soften our hearts. Have mercy on the mourning and suffering. Strengthen us so we know how to love others effectively at such a time.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy upon us. Amen


What will cause us to pray?


Learning To Journal