Seeking An Intimate Moment With The Lord

Psalm 24 - All Powerful and All Wise, Creator and owner of every atom of the universe, may I recognize YOUR greatness deep in my soul this day.LORD, help me to see YOU and desire YOUR presence. Help me just desire YOU for the value of knowing YOU. Clean my hands of wrong actions and purify my heart of wrong attitudes.Help me escape from lies and illusions. Grant me a love of truth and help me see the false promises of lies.Pour out YOUR undeserved favor upon me and give to me the gift of righteousness. Save me.Open the gates of my heart. Open me up at the core of my being.. King of Glory come and dwell with my most true self within the deepest part of my soul. YOU are strong, mighty, and victorious. LORD of HOSTS enter into every aspect of my inner life. Possess me and live YOUR life out through me.King Jesus come and abide in me and allow me to abide in YOU. Bear YOUR fruit through me this day. Amen


A Thirst For God Alone


Praying in the Dark Times