A Thirst For God Alone

A Thirst For God AloneMy soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold   the face of God? Psalm 42: 3Hymn"What language shall I borrow to thank you, dearest Friend, for all your dying sorrow, your mercy without end? Grant me to lean unshaken upon your faithfulness till I from earth am taken to see you face to face. "Paul wrote: We who have the Spirit as the first of God’s gifts also groan within ourselves as we wait for God to make us his children and   set our whole being free. For it was by hope that we were saved. Romans 8: 23– 24 (GNT)Hymn"Christ is our cornerstone, on him alone we build; with his true saints alone the courts of heav’n are filled; on his great love our hopes we place of present grace and joys above. "PrayerWhen darkness overshadows us, we cling to your mercy. When hopelessness pervades, we cling to your promises. We wait for you to come, dear Jesus. We place ourselves in your loving care. Amen.My MusingsLord, give me a hunger and thirst for YOU and YOU alone. Help not seek an experience, power, or gifts. YOU offer all of these things to me. But I desire to desire just YOU alone.Lord, there is chaos ruling in much of my life, in the life of the community, in the nation, and in the world. Disorder and irrationality seems to rule over so many things. Destruction, deception, disease, and death seem to be on every side. Lord have mercy.YOU are long suffering with all of these things, planning to use even the evil for good. I grow weary and frustrated, and sad. YOU have all power and wisdom. I feel powerless and confused.Help me trust YOU in the darkness and I beg YOU to come in a massive revival or the regeneration of all of creation. YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done. Lord have mercy.Open the eyes of those I love who are blind. Open the ears of those I love who are deaf. Open the hearts of those I love who are closed to YOUR WORD.LORD, save those I love who are lost. Invade their lives. Destroy the strongholds of the lies that now rule their souls. Shatter them that they may be remade anew by YOUR Spirit. Breathe on them. Let the dry dead bones arise and live. LORD, I beg YOU to have mercy.LORd help me to desire YOU for YOU. Help me value YOU as YOU should be valued. Help me see YOU more clearly, love YOU more dearly, and follow YOU more nearly this day. AmenMoravian Church in America IBOC. Moravian Daily Texts 2017 North American Edition: A Devotional Guide for Every Day (Kindle Locations 1103-1116). Moravian Church in America Interprovincial Board of Communication. Kindle Edition.


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