Be Angry and Don't Sin!

Lion of the Tribe of Judah

"(26) And"don't sin by letting anger control you." Don't let the sun go downwhile you are still angry, (27) for anger gives a foothold to the devil."{Ephesians 4:26-27 NLT}

"(26) BE ANGRY,AND [yet] DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger, (27) and do notgive the devil an opportunity." {Ephesians 4:26-27 NASB}

"(4) Tremble (Beangry), and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed and be still.Selah." {Psalm 4:4 NASB}

"(4) Don't sinby letting anger control you. Think about it overnight and remain silent.Interlude" {Psalm 4:4 NLT}

Should circumstances arise to call for anger onyour part, let it be as Christ's "anger" (Mark 3:5), without sin.

Those circumstances are where injustice to God’sglory or to human dignity have not been able to be resolved, carefully andprayerfully, by any other means.  Godlyanger must be motivated by a love of God and others and an expression of ahatred of true moral evil.  It can hatethe sin while loving the sinner.  It iscontrolled, focused, and not abusive to others. 

Our natural feelings are not wrong whendirected to their legitimate object, and when not exceeding due boundaries.

Because of this indignation at dishonor done toGod, and wrong to man, is justifiable anger. But we must be able to use ouranger as a tool to accomplish God’s will and not be the slave to our anger withit controlling us.  When our anger is outof control it is never godly anger.

Godly anger is also short lived and does notturn into bitterness.

"(31) Get rid of all bitterness, rage,anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. (32)Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just asGod through Christ has forgiven you." {Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT}

So, godly anger is like a nuclear power plantwhere the radioactive energy is under control and used to bring life to acity.  While ungodly anger is like a nuclearbomb that explodes without control and brings death. 

The first person we should express our anger tois God in prayer.  

As Bill Gaultiere explains:

“Maybe it’s when a friend hurts your feelings,someone criticizes you, your child disobeys you, you make a mistake, or yourdriving your car and you get cut off…

Imagine yourself in that stressful situation…

Then pray with the Psalmist:

Contend, O Lord, with those who contend withme…

Take up shield and buckler;

Arise and come to my aid…

Say to my soul, “I am your salvation”…

Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord

And delight in his salvation.

My whole being will exclaim,

“Who is like you, O Lord?” (Psalm 35:1-3,9-10).

When we keep praying in the Psalmist’s waywe’re being honest about the situation we’re in and how we feel. We’re notstuffing our emotions and getting depressed or resentful, nor are we going tothe other extreme and speaking or acting out of anger in ways that hurt people.In fact, to help us release our anger we may need to use some other Psalms thathave intense angry prayers.”[1]

We can also see that godly anger normallyincludes taking a step back, pause, time out, and processing time to thinkinstead of being just a reaction to something or someone. 

There is a danger that we will “baptize” ourungodly anger and use it to religiously abuse others and live in self-righteousness.   So, wemust be very careful not to use “godly anger” as a way to justify or sinfulanger.

Anger can be one way we can be like Christ Jesusif it is truly guided by love and God’s spirit. Yet, this requires us to be very mature emotionally and spiritually, andvery careful to be involved in honest self-examination to avoid self-justificationto see ourselves as righteous. 

So, be angry when you must be as a last resort butmake sure you don’t sin and avoid bitterness at all cost.


Lord, help me not find ways to feelself-righteous when I lose my temper.  Helpmy focus be on showing mercy, grace, love, patience, and forgiveness to othersand not be in an attitude of judgment on them thinking that I am better andbrighter than they are all the time. When needed help me hate evil and express godly anger in a focusedcontrolled way, first in my prayers, and then in careful, prayerful, andthoughtful ways for the common good of all and your glory. 




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Slow To Anger