Free Seminar: Search For Significance

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Free Seminar On The Search For Significance
On Zoom
Saturday 5:30 PM
Oct. 17
Passcode  777 
Invite Link
Many people struggle with feeling that they are significant to anyone and search for how they can accept that they have purpose, importance, and value. Sometimes, this is called "self worth". Learning to be our own best friend and knowing that God enjoyed creating YOU and redeeming you. Seeing how much God has invested in having a relationship with YOU can be very freeing.

“Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized
yourself as a friend.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert

Join Dr. Norman Wise the Executive Director of Living Water Counseling for this seminar on how to know how to see ourselves as God sees us so that we can live the life we were intended to live!
The aim will be to practical and biblical so that you can walk away with a new way to think and live daily life effectively.


Search for Significance


New World Health Day 2020 Oct 10, Saturday from 12-1 PM