God Cares and Carries!

1Peter 5:6-7 NASB - "6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, 7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."Why is humility so hard to have. It is because I have to admit that I don't have the ability, power, or wisdom to handle everything. It demands I face the reality about myself that I am 100% dependent on God and that I am not God. I am not the center of the universe. I am significant because I reflect the glory of God made in HIS image, but I am not the ultimate concern of creation. I have to admit that without the help of God found in Messiah/Christ Jesus I can do nothing.But humility is the first step towards sanity, stability, and spirituality. Without humility pride has made me mad and God will resist every thing I plan or desire. Humility lets me know that I need God go carry me through my problems.But why would God be willing to carry me?The one true God who created the universe and is eternal and infinite in all wisdom and power, cares about “little old me”. The maker of my soul cares about me because I am made in HIS image and have the potential to make known who GOD is before the watching creation. God sees in me a being of great value and provides for me all I need to stay alive and has concern for me.As a Christian I also know that God values me because HE has had the Messiah/Christ Jesus go to hell for me on the cross. God has skin in the game. The blood of the incarnate God has been shed to save me! (Acts 20:28). God is for me! This proves God cares and shows why God cares. I am the greatest investment that God has ever made. The LORD is, “all in” to make sure I am saved.Not to take advantage of this I must in prayer throw over to God to catch and hold all my fears and concerns. I have to transfer trust in myself to trust in God to carry me through the hard times. When I do this then I will be a fruitful believer in Messiah/Christ Jesus (John 15:1-8).How well are you applying this passage to your life today? Are you being crushed by your fear or comforted by your faith?Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see that any rational person would seek to be carried by God instead of depending on his or her own strength.May God allow me to sane and rational today and turn over to HIM all the struggles of my life that I may have hope and peace. Amen


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