Good Shepherd, Help Us! (Psalm 80)

Meditation on Psalm 80

Great Shepherd of YOUR Church, the one that led your people in and out of Egypt like a flock, Great King of kings of all creation and nations, reveal YOURSELF in power, grace, and glory now. 

Surround us with YOUR light.

Stir up YOUR great might, restore us to true faith and love, shine YOUR transforming presence upon us, and save us now!

How long LORD will YOU allow us to be in this state of selfish prayers that YOU hate, mourning with tears because we see our spiritual poverty, and mocked by a watching unbelieving world because of our lack of YOUR power.   

For the sake of YOUR name Great Shepherd Jesus, restore us to true faith and love, shine YOUR transforming presence upon us and save us now!

YOU made us YOUR vine, planted us into the world to not be part of the world, and allowed YOUR people to produce great works of gospel love into the pages of history.  We were the light of the world. 

But then we strayed  We have withered.  We are ravaged.  Instead of overcoming the gates of our enemy our walls are broken down and we have become corrupted with the ways of unbelief.  Lord have mercy.

Turn again Great Shepherd, abide in us and allow us to abide in YOU.  If this can occur then all will be well.  YOUR life will flow into us and we will be a fruit again.  Look down from heaven LORD of hosts and regard YOUR vine and make it fruitful again.  Without YOU we can do nothing.

Good Shepherd, remember the children of YOUR covenant, dedicated and separated from their birth by their parents to belong to YOU and serve YOU, bring them back now for so many have strayed.  Make true disciples of them.  Begin a great revival through them.  Have mercy on them.  Don’t forget them.  Remember the prayers of their parents.  Great God of salvation, have super mercy, and save these whose parents hunger and thirsted for their salvation.  Remember them and restore them to YOU.  Amen


LORD, Lead us now! (Psalm 81)


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