LORD, Lead us now! (Psalm 81)

Meditation on Psalm 81

LORD, lead us to worship YOU with great passion, filled with YOU,  HOLY SPIRIT,  with integrity, and submitting to YOUR TRUTH.   May we be the type of worshipers YOU seek.  Let us gather before YOU and give you shouts of joy and songs, for YOU are our creator, redeemer, and strength. 

YOU have heard our desperate cries and delivered us.  YOU took us out of Egypt and freed us from slavery!  Calling us out of the kingdom of darkness YOU brought us to the Kingdom of light and life in the gospel of grace in YOUR blood sacrifice great Messiah!

Even when YOU have done such great things we have not listened to YOU.  Idols have tempted us from devotion to YOU.  We have failed to submit to YOUR WORD or SPIRIT.  Do not give us over to our stubborn hearts but now revive our faith and love for YOU.

Help us now resist the devil and draw near to YOU so that we may see YOU overcome the darkness and defeat evil in us and through us. 

Feed us with YOUR WORD.  Help us open our mouths wide to devour it.  Help us to be salt and light to this generation. 

Good and great LORD of abundant grace help us overcome the gates of hell in our culture.   Amen


Why I am a Christian? Defining the word Christian (Part One)


Good Shepherd, Help Us! (Psalm 80)