LORD, Arise Today To Save Us! (Psalm 9)

Meditation on Psalm 9Living and eternal one who is love, life, and light. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Triune God fully sufficient and Creator Redeemer.YOU are the giver of every good gift. I thank YOU for all YOUR gifts. Allow me to become more filled with an attitude of gratitude.YOU are worthy of admiration and honor. YOU are eternal, good, great, infinite in power, filled with perfect wisdom, knowing all, understanding all, YOU alone are GOOD, righteous, holy, and morally without flax. There is no darkness in YOU. Help me see YOU and remember YOU this day.LORD, bring the evil in society and culture to judgment and tear down the lies that bring abuse, pain, and oppression. Rebuke the nations where they are doing wickedness for selfish reasons. Convert or cripple those who design death and destruction for others and prey upon the innocent. Bring those who practice human trafficking to justice. End the rule of ISIS and bring to Syria a just rule. Save Syria from President Assad and the Russians. Bring a just government to this devastated land.Lord Jesus, Syria’s civil war has created the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Half the country’s pre-war population — more than 11 million people — have been killed or forced to flee their homes. LORD have mercy on these who suffer. Help us be of help to them.Judge now those who oppress and make others suffer for their political gain. Bring their ability to cause harm to an end. Open the hearts of YOUR people to respond to this need.Lord, help me seek first YOUR kingdom and righteousness in my life and in my culture. Grant me a desire to see YOU rule in every nation and society.LORD, you our the refuge and help for those in trouble and never forsake those who seek YOU. Be our safe place today. Lord, hear the cries of the afflicted. There are so many and the amount of trouble is overwhelming. The screams of the hurting are everywhere. Please bring help to us now.Pour out YOUR grace upon the nations and upon me. Bring revival, renewal, reformation, and restoration. Destroy the darkness and bring in the light. Allow those who plan evil suffer the evil that they have planned for others to suffer.Forget not the needy and the poor. Bring them hope. Bring them help.Arise now in our generation living LORD and do not allow the lies and selfishness of humanity prevail. Put in fear those who seek to harm and hurt others for their own selfish gain. Humble humanity that we might see our need of YOU. Show to us our weakness and depravity.Do in our generation more than we could imagine or think of YOU ever doing. POUR OUT YOUR SPIRIT UPON YOUR CHURCHES AND BRING YOUR LIGHT TO THE WORLD. AMEN!




LORD, why do you care about me? (Psalm 8)