LORD, why do you care about me? (Psalm 8)

Meditation on Psalm 8Eternal and Loving Master of all Creation, YOUR authority and attributes are demonstrated in every atom of creation. The earth below and the heaven above reflect who YOU are in wisdom and competence.YOU take those who are weak to demonstrate YOUR strength. You will stop those who seek to resist YOUR kingdom and do evil.I am very small and weak. Fragile in mind, body, soul, and spirit.YOU great Redeeming Creator have made the vast universe, the stars, the planets, and all the complexity of the heavens.Why would YOU Great LORD ever think of me? I am nothing in comparison to all the vast array of galactic wonders.Yet, YOU have thought of me.YOU have thought of us.You have put all humanity into a key place of significance in YOUR kingdom. You have made us weaker than the heavenly angelic beings yet provided us with greater ability to reflect YOUR nature and significance in YOUR plans.To humanity YOU have delegated the authority to rule the universe. Calling us to be vice-regents over all creation, stewards of YOUR possessions, and managers of the great potential of all the rest of creation.All other living things have been placed in the care and oversight of humanity that the creation may be nurtured and enriched to bring out its full potential.YOU have designed us so that when the fulness of time would come the Messiah Jesus, God the Son who would become the Son of God, could become incarnate and the nature of humanity would be able to reflect accurately YOUR true nature. YOU honored us that we might be able to incarnate YOU. LORD Messiah Jesus, we were made for YOU.YOU are infinite, eternal, wise, good, great, and full of grace. YOUR wisdom and power are seen in us despite our rebellion and fall. Twisted and torn as we are, yet still we set forth YOUR wonder and awe, made in YOUR image.Lord, now help me to see others as sacred beings, that YOU are always mindful of and never forget. Let me not treat others as less significant than YOU treat them. Let me honor them as YOU honor them. Let me care for them as YOU care for them. Help me reflect towards them and myself YOUR evaluation of their worth.O LORD, my Lord help me now to look through YOUR eyes on all people. Amen


LORD, Arise Today To Save Us! (Psalm 9)


Lord Be My Refuge - Meditation on Psalm 7