LORD, be my safe place! (Psalm 61)

Musings on Psalm 61Great God of all hearing, hear the cry of my deepest heart this day. Please listen with mercy and grace to my prayer.Lead my spirit now to YOU. Help my weak soul find YOU as a stable and strong place and lift me above my struggles. Be a fortress to me and a safe place to hide.Help me know that through YOUR suffering on the cross and resurrection I am now in the very near presence of YOUR glory. Nothing can separate me from your LOVE.Help me fear your name. Let the fear of YOU guide my every thought and action.Help me remember the promises YOU have made to me and help me recall the promises I have made to YOU. Help me trust that YOU have given me the KINGDOM as YOUR free gift to me.May YOU live forever great ETERNAL KING MESSIAH JESUS! May YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done on earth as in heaven.Help me live a life of faith in the gospel day by day. Allow my faith to be empowered by YOUR love in my life.LORD of eternal and infinite mercy bring salvation to my household and to my life. Save us now for without YOU we are lost. LORD have mercy. Amen


LORD, YOU are my hope! (Psalm 62)


LORD, restore us! (Psalm 60)