LORD, restore us! (Psalm 60)

Meditation on Psalm 60Great God who is good and rules over all the universe. Wonderful Redeeming LORD who is steadfast in love, compassion, and mercy.LORD, it seems that you are angry with our sins and have rejected our plans. Restore us to the path of confession, repentance, and faith.We see hard things. We experience hard things. We are drowning in hard things. We are overwhelmed with hard things.Lord have mercy.YOU have made YOUR cross of sacrifice and resurrection from the dead the sure place of victory and help. Teach us to flee to YOUR redemptive love in our most desperate moments. Give us salvation through YOUR incarnation and sacrifice. Jesus YOU are our only hope.YOU rule the nations. YOU rule the church. YOU rule all things. Teach us to submit to YOUR rule in faith and love.LORD, unless YOU go out with us we will fail. If we minister in our own strength and wisdom we will fail. Without YOU we have no power or insight.Come now and help us struggle with courage against the darkness and evil.Bring us YOUR victory for YOUR glory and our good. LORD, we beg YOU act today!Save us! Awaken us! Revive the spiritually dead to life! Come now among us in loving power! Amen


LORD, be my safe place! (Psalm 61)


Lord, Save Your People! (Psalm 59)