Lord, Save Your People! (Psalm 59)

Meditation on Psalm 59Great God of salvation, Deliver your church this day from those who persecute her. Save her from those that plan her destruction.Save her from that segment of radical Islam that would persecute and kill your people.From the blood of the martyrs raise up a new generation of believers in the Islamic world. Demonstrate to the Middle East that Mohammad is a false prophet and reveal the truth of YOUR gospel to them. Let them see YOU, LORD JESUS as YOU truly are, as testified to by the Apostles and Prophets.Save your people from radical Hindus and communist who attack YOUR disciples and seek through violence to exterminate the gospel faith.Convert them and cripple their efforts to do harm. Frustrate their plans. Give YOUR people enduring faith to give testimony under torture and death.LORD, prepare my heart to be ready to suffer persecution.LORD, I know you laugh at them. YOU are not afraid of them. Help me to see them through YOUR eyes.Be the strength of YOUR people. Be our fortress. Help us in the darkest of times remember you unfailing steadfast love and compassion. Help us remember that the gates of hell will not prevail against us.Give us songs of praise for YOUR great strength and unfailing compassion. Be our refuge, fortress, and strength on the days of our distress. Open our eyes to see how much YOU love us that we may love you more.LORD, be our good shepherd this day and save us from our enemies. Amen


LORD, restore us! (Psalm 60)


LORD, thank YOU for wanting me with YOU! (Luke 14:16-21)