LORD, be my strength! (Psalm 56)

Meditation on Psalm 56Great Redeeming Creator, pour out YOUR undeserved mercy and strength upon me for I feel trampled under the circumstances of life.All day long the dark lord oppresses and attacks me, so great Messiah come and rescue me from the evil one.When I fear, I trust in you. In the dark I trust in you. I thank YOU for YOUR gospel and message of salvation. My fears are set free when I remember YOU and YOUR promises to me. Help me now to not be afraid. What can the dark lord do to me? YOUR victory on the cross and the power of the resurrection surrounds me.All day long the enemies of my soul seek to keep me from seeking YOUR kingdom and righteousness. They track me like a hungry lion. In YOUR wrath defeat them for YOUR glory.I call upon YOU to turn the tide of battle. YOU see my tossing and my tears. Great LORD Jesus I trust in YOU and count upon YOUR promises. Help me follow YOU LORD Messiah in love for what you have done. Grant that I might walk with you in the light of life. Thank YOU for delivering my soul. Amen


LORD, of heaven and earth, be merciful! (Psalm 57)


Lord, do not hide from me! (Psalm 55)