LORD, of heaven and earth, be merciful! (Psalm 57)

Meditation on Psalm 57Great God above heaven and earth, Ruler of the universe, KING of all creation, be merciful to me and be my refuge. Be my safe place. Help me hide in the shadow of YOUR wings. Let the storm pass and let there be a quiet place.Fulfill YOUR purpose for me LORD. Come from heaven and save me risen LORD of Glory. Send to me a reminder of YOUR steadfast love and your perfect unchanging faithfulness. LORD, let me see clearly YOUR great compassion.LORD, I lay down in the midst of lions and dragons. Without YOU I have no defense.The soul of my soul, is stable before YOU in faith. Increase my faith. Give me a song to sing in the middle of the struggle. Awake my spirit to praise YOU. YOU are good, great, and merciful. YOU never forget me or YOUR promises to me.YOU are infinite in YOUR strength, wisdom, character, compassion, and competence.OPEN my eyes to see YOUR wonder, that I might love YOU, and then follow YOU in joy!Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


LORD, awaken our rulers to seek justice & mercy! (Psalm 58)


LORD, be my strength! (Psalm 56)