Lord, bless me today!

Psalm 1Lord bless me today.Give me the wisdom not to find my wisdom from the wicked, the rebellious, and the scoffers of my culture. Save me from being a cynic.Lord bless me todayGive me joy, desire, hunger, thirst, and delight in YOUR written revelation and YOUR wisdom from above. Let me desire to know YOUR mind and heart.Lord bless me todayLet me mutter to myself in my self talk truth and not lies. Help me focus my mind on whatever is good, noble, and praise worthy. Renew my mind and my heart.Lord bless me todayMake me a fruitful tree of righteousness and love.Lord bless me todayDon't let my life be wasted and without fruit. Help me not just be dust in the wind. Save me from vanity of vanity, all is vanity.Lord bless me today because of YOUR great grace and YOUR great sacrifice upon the cross. Resurrected Lord, now save me today for your glory, my good, and that I may be of good to others. Amen


Messiah Jesus be my King!


Lord give me a serving heart