Lord give me a serving heart

 Mark 10:32-45Messiah Jesus, YOUR ways are not our ways. We would have YOU simply come and bring Eden back on steroids, get rid of the devil, and provide for us a privileged place in YOUR kingdom.No suffering, no struggle, and no sacrifice is our plan. Our thinking is very simplistic and selfish.Lord, how can it be that in the glory of YOUR sacrifice on the tree there are two thieves and not two apostles on YOUR left and right hand? The apostles abandoned YOU, betrayed YOU, and denied YOU. Yet, eventually they would follow. Lord, keep me from abandoning YOU, betraying YOU, and denying YOU. Give me a boldness to confess my loyalty to YOU by my words and actions.Good and gracious KING, YOU have served me to the death. YOU have suffered hell fire for me. YOUR suffering ransomed my soul. Thank YOU.In light of that let me sacrificially love others enough to provide them service with mercy and compassion even as YOU have served me with infinite mercy and compassion Give me the heart of a servant. Give me YOUR heart.LORD help me understand the wonder and truth of YOUR suffering that I may know how to live.Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy. Amen


Lord, bless me today!


Peace Be With You