LORD, give me a greater vision of who YOU are! (Psalm 34)

Meditations on Psalm 34LORD, Creator, Redeemer, YOU are LOVE, compassionate, long-suffering, forgiving, caring, just, pure, good, great, and full of grace. Help me find gladness and joy in who YOU are and grant me a greater and greater vision of YOUR greatness so that I might have greater awe of YOU. May all the world see and experience YOUR wonder.YOU LORD, are the protector and the provider in the times when I have nothing and my life is filled with troubles. Give to me a vision of YOUR beauty and power to save that my fears may flee from me. Help me not be defeated by the dark lord in shame. LORD save me and rescue me from the dangers that I face. Give to me a healthy and true fear of YOU and trust in YOU to be my one hope.Lord, give to me a heart that seeks YOU, fears YOU, takes refuge in YOU, and experiences YOUR goodness and grace.LORD, help me pursue true Shalom by seeking a right relationship wit YOU and others based on truth and love. Teach me a healthy fear of YOU LORD and let me be able to teach others how they can live a life of godly fear. Give me an addiction to truth and love.Lord, I am brokenhearted and crushed in spirit, so now as you have promised be near to me and deliver me from my sorrow. I cry to YOU for help and please forgive me my sins. Keep me from doing evil. Be my righteousness and fill me with true faith.LORD, YOU are my refuge, my fortress, and my safe place. To YOU I flee in the middle of all my afflictions. Guard me and defeat the enemies plans and temptations in my life. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from the evil one.Thank YOU LORD for being ready to rescue me during my darkest times. Help me to wait in trust of YOU and YOUR promises. Help me to trust YOU in the dark times of my life.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


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