Will you pray about joining "The 300" club?

You Can Be Part of the Solution for just
$20.00 a month
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Join "The 300" Today
"(14) When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he led out his trained men, born in his house, three hundred and eighteen, and went in pursuit as far as Dan." [Genesis 14:14 NASB]
"(8) So the 300 men took the people's provisions and their trumpets into their hands. And Gideon sent all the other men of Israel, each to his tent, but retained the 300 men; and the camp of Midian was below him in the valley." [Judges 7:8 NASB]
God has given victory to his cause through small numbers of people in HIS salvation history.  As I was praying for God's help in finding funding for our ministry it seemed to me that the Spirit pointed me to the times the battle was won by a small number of only 300 against all odds.  
Our ministry struggles month by month to meet our fixed expenses.  We depend on large fundraisers to hopefully bring in enough to make up for the loss we take each month serving desperate people and families. By God's grace we have been able to continue on for over 25 years but if we are to really stabilize we need a group of monthly givers who will provide for us our needed support.
If 300 people or families would give $20 a month and faithfully pledge to do that for the next 12 months then all of our financial struggles would be over and we would be able to focus our attention on improving our service and care for people.  
The $6,000 a month that this would generate would allow our ministry to go forward and be financially healthy and meeting all our fixed expenses.   
Will you pray to see if the Lord would lead you to become one of the "300" who will share with us the financial burden of this ministry. 
An example of our ministry
A year ago a young lady came into our ministry who was suffering a severe case of OCD in which rooms in her house felt contaminated and she could not enter them. Her life was filled with compulsive cleaning of her hands and high anxiety of feeling contaminated all the time. It has become very disruptive to her life.
By God's great grace in Jesus and her brave application of the counseling she received she is now free of all these symptoms, is graduating college with honors, and is ready to move into a new chapter of her life free of this burden of her soul.
She also came in with many questions about Christianity and now is reading C.S. Lewis. She is having her questions answered. She is seeking to really develop a healthy and strong faith.
When you support Living Water this is the type of ministry you allow us to have. Will you pray about becoming a monthly supporter for $20? We need 300 of you to become partners so that we can have the financial means needed to carry on our ministry effectively.
Thank you for praying for us and for considering if this is a calling on your life.
By grace alone,
Dr. Norman Wise
Executive Director of Living Water Counseling
I want to join the "300" today!
I want to join the "300" and will give $20 today and pledge to give $20 monthly.  http://livingwaterchristiancounseling.org/join-the-300-club/
Living Water as a way of thanking me for my gifts will send me free of charge all four of Dr. Norm's books personally signed by Dr Norm.
Check out Dr. Norm's books at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B06XYFCNY8

Lord, defeat the darkness today! (Psalm 35)


LORD, give me a greater vision of who YOU are! (Psalm 34)