LORD, give me a thankful heart! (Psalm 50)

Meditations on Psalm 50Good, great, and merciful LORD of heaven and earth, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Peter, John, and Paul. Help me hear YOUR voice this day from the rising to the setting of the sun.Let me see and appreciate YOUR divine beauty LORD Redeeming Creator.LORD, YOU are the judge of YOUR people. YOU are the one who examines us. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Help me now stand and reflect. Allow me to examine myself before YOU.Help us not count on our worship services and celebrations. LORD, YOU have no need of all we offer and give. YOU do not need us. We cannot bribe YOU with our religious efforts.YOU desire we actually feel deeply gratitude out of a clear vision of what YOU have done for us in dying for our sins and giving us hope in YOUR resurrection. YOU would desire us to feel real wonder at YOUR work of redemption and the amazing grace YOU have drowned us in to save us. SPIRIT, stir our hearts to have true thanks.Help us review and renew our vows to YOU in response to YOUR great love to follow YOU and learn from YOU. Grant us a revival of our discipleship.LORD, help me be a more fervent and faithful disciple.Make us a house of prayer. Help us not turn to worry but to YOU in days of trouble. Give our cries fervency and sincerity.Allow me to seek YOU as my refuge and trust and not turn to myself to save myself.YOU must save us and YOU alone.Allow our lives to reflect who YOU are. Grant that I will live a life worthy of YOUR gospel. Let the unbelieving culture see who YOU are through your people and come to appreciate YOUR greatness because they see a reflection of YOU in us.LORD, reflect YOUR gospel love and wisdom through me.LORD, save us from being lawless. Keep us from having a form of religion but no transforming power in our lives. Help us not hate your correction and allow us to listen to YOUR word. Help us not take joy in sin and find righteousness a burden. Place in us a desire to seek first YOUR kingdom and righteousness.Great King, rule my life this day!Help us to loyal to our families and to the family of faith. Help us not speak evil of others or judge them. Save us from the self righteousness that would see ourselves as better and brighter than others. Help us guard our words and speak the truth in love.Living Savior, now let me be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.LORD, make us a thankful people, help us to see YOU more clearly, that we may love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly this day. Show us YOUR great salvation and turn us from the way of unbelief.Forever Father in heaven, I believe in the Messiah, help my unbelief.LORD have mercy, Messiah have mercy, and Lord have mercy. Amen


Lord, forgive me! (Psalm 51)


LORD, give me wisdom (Psalm 49)