LORD, give me wisdom (Psalm 49)

Meditation on Psalm 49Great God of wisdomI need wisdom about many things.I know so little.Help me who created all things and understands all things.Salvation is only in YOU. YOU alone through your suffering can redeem my life. YOU alone are my hope.Without YOU all of our fame, fortune, and fury are nothing.It is ordained to human beings once to die and then comes the judgment.So having YOU rescue us from just condemnation is vital. Help me value YOUR salvation of me and help me seek to see others come to know YOU as their salvation.All injustice is fleeting. Those who abuse will perish and face just punishment. There is no victory in rebellion, violence, lies, and lust. This is the path of death.Grant me the wisdom to walk the path of life and light. Keep me from the lure of the darkness. Save me from the insanity of sin and addict me to the attractiveness of righteousness.Lord of wisdom let me live a wise life. Amen


LORD, give me a thankful heart! (Psalm 50)


LORD, YOUR kingdom come! (Psalm 48)