LORD, YOUR kingdom come! (Psalm 48)

Meditation on Psalm 48Lord, help me see the heavenly Jerusalem. The true capital of YOUR kingdom."(26) But the Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother." [Galatians 4:26 NASB]YOU are great, good, and full of grace living and true God of Abraham, Isaac, Peter, and Paul.Great Messiah Jesus pour YOUR joy out upon YOUR people this day. Be our fortress and defender.YOUR kingdom Messiah is established forever and all the kingdoms of the earth stand powerless against YOU. YOU are LORD OF LORDS.YOUR steadfast love has been demonstrated on the cross as YOU paid for our sins and in your resurrection as YOU gave evidence of YOUR victory over satan, sin, and death. Give us YOUR people this day great joy and happiness as we meditate upon YOUR great compassion, mercy, and grace. Help us be awed at YOUR wisdom and power.Open our eyes to see more clearly the wonder of YOUR works of redemption that we may tell the next generation of the gospel of YOUR grace and they may know YOU the true and living God of perfect LOVE.YOU are our GOD forever and ever. Eternally we are bound. Never to be separated. YOU will never leave us or forsake us. Guide us now this day and forever.Good Shepherd now lead us!


LORD, give me wisdom (Psalm 49)


LORD, be our King! (Psalm 47)