LORD, help me in my troubles

Meditation on Psalm 3LORD, the problems, struggle, and opposition in my life seems so great.  Like a huge wave coming at me, all of these things are overwhelming to me  There can be doubt if I will make it or be rescued from failure.  Yet, even in the midst of all this wave of pain and disappointment, YOU, Redeeming Creator are my protector, YOUR relationship with me as Creator and Redeemer gives me worth, value, and significance greater than any one could hope for by YOUR great grace and mercy, and YOU raise up my head and give me new hope when I am most hopeless in myself.   May YOU be praised. Day by day and step by step YOU give me the strength and ability to keep moving forward.  YOU hear my cries and answer me in direct and indirect ways.  I see YOU active in my life. Come now Living and True Creator King, and rescue me from my struggles and pain.  Let all things work for good in my life.  Let none of my grief be in vain.  Defeat the dark lord and his corrupt servants and destroy their power and lies.  LORD, YOU are great, good, full of grace, ever present with me in this life of grief, and promised to use all my grief for good.  YOU alone can rescue me.  May YOU pour out YOUR great grace upon YOUR people and bring us a great awakening in every nation.  Help us dear Lord.  AmenBook of Psalms Overviewhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9phNEaPrv8


Lord, I need answers!


Messiah Jesus be my King!