Lord, I need answers!

Meditation on Psalm 4Lord of creation and redemption I need YOUR answers to my needs. In YOU alone do I have righteousness by your grace. At the worst times in my life you have helped me and heard my prayers. Today LORD, again come and help me.YOU have promised to hear me when I call to you. The enemies of my soul and life accuse me and condemn me. YOU have set me apart form condemnation with YOUR sacrifice upon the cross paying for all my moral failures. I am now declared righteous by YOUR great grace.Help me to know how be be angry with sin but not give into bitterness or self righteousness. Help me preach the gospel to myself in the night time and allow it to give me rest. Help me trust YOU great Redeemer even in the darkest night.Let me not doubt YOU Lord, that you are at work to get gain from all my grief. Let YOUR presence, peace, and power shine upon me now this day. Put YOUR great joy in my heart as I think about YOUR love and grace.LORD, maker of heaven and earth, Redeemer of YOUR people at infinite cost, me know inner peace as I remember that YOU are my refuge and safety. Help me rest in YOUR great love and support of me.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


Righteous Lord, accept me by grace and defeat evil


LORD, help me in my troubles