Righteous Lord, accept me by grace and defeat evil

Psalm 5LORD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. LORD of David, Peter, and Paul. True Living God and universal KING. It is to YOU and YOU alone I cry out. YOU understand the pleas of my heart.True and living HOLY ONE of Israel, help me see that you hate wickedness, evil, immorality, and ungodliness. YOU hate pride and those that hurt others for their own gain. YOU despise deceit and those who try to manipulate others through their words and who shed innocent blood. YOUR commitment to righteousness is 100%. YOU will bring into judgment every immoral and ungodly attitude, action, and word.My hope to stand before YOUR righteousness is due to YOUR compassionate, kind, and committed promises to provide a payment for my sins through YOUR blood shed on the cross. Under that blood and through YOUR grace I now can enter into union and communion with YOU. I am accepted as a family member.In light of this I worship you, thank you, and strive to be committed to YOU with loyalty to YOUR kingdom and righteousness. Guide me now in the paths of righteousness and make my steps straight. Let the enemies of my soul, those that would tempt me to do evil be defeated and help me live by faith in YOUR great love for me.LORD, let the father of lies and those who follow the father of lies be defeated. Let the deceived be converted to YOU or crippled in their efforts to fight YOUR cause. Turn their own lies against them and destroy their influence. Reveal all their lies by YOUR light.Defeat ISIS and the Russians. Raise up a better alternative for the Syrian people. Watch over the millions of refugees. Grant now us the ability to show YOUR love and YOUR gospel with these who flee tyranny and oppression. LORD, bring help in unexpected ways to this open sore of bloodshed and tragedy.In these troubled times let me flee to YOU to be my refuge and help me rejoice in YOUR great love and rule. Spread YOUR protection over YOUR people. Give to us a love for all YOUR attributes and authority. Cover us with YOUR grace as a shield and defeat all the plans of the enemy for our lives.For YOUR glory revive, reform, and renew us. Move in us in new ways that are radically different and shake the nations once more. Amen


LORD, I need YOUR help today!


Lord, I need answers!