LORD, I need YOUR help today!

Meditation on Psalm 6LORD, I need YOUR undeserved support and help. Today LORD remember that YOUR just anger and wrath are taken away from me by YOUR suffering on the cross. Thank YOU LORD for not condemning me today.My soul is deeply and profoundly troubled. My spirit needs YOUR healing for it is pain within me.How long O LORD till we see revival? How Long O LORD will the wicked hurt so many innocents? How Long O LORD will YOUR church forget YOUR ways? HOW long O LORD?Come now and turn to help me and rescue my life from vanity and because of YOUR steadfast and faithful love. Bear much fruit through me in the days I have left before my death.For only now can I bear witness to YOUR love in a fallen world, care for the poor, show compassion to the hurting, and teach people who do not know YOUR ways. None of these things can be done after death.So in the days before my death, now let me bear much fruit. Keep me from not leaving a godly legacy and not having impact on this generation. I beg YOU LORD use me to my full potential.LORD, I am weary of the deep sorrow I carry. The grief in me about so many losses and the deception of the enemy about so many things makes me feel weak and tired. LORD, be my strength this day. Lift me up at my weakest moments.Depart from me all the servants of the evil dark lord who lie and tempt me to forget the gospel and trust in vain follies. For the LORD has heard me and I am protected by HIS truth and blood sacrifice on the cross for my sake. Resurrected LORD now protect me as a good shepherd from all temptation and the evil one.LORD have mercy, Messiah Jesus have mercy, LORD have mercy. Amen


Lord Be My Refuge - Meditation on Psalm 7


Righteous Lord, accept me by grace and defeat evil