LORD, help me see that I need YOU! (Psalm 14)

 Meditation on Psalm 14Great Redeeming Creator, now keep me from living like YOU do not exist. Save me from my foolish unbelieving heart. Save me from the dark desires of my soul and forgive me my many evil actions.I know that my soul is so twisted that I have not for a microsecond loved as I was created to love. I am impure and twisted.Only by YOUR grace can I understand or seek YOU for without YOU I would be cold, hard, and indifferent to YOU and YOUR ways. Thank YOU Lord for reaching my heart.Awaken our consciences Lord. Send a overwhelming wave of conviction and guilt to us. Take from us our self justification and self righteousness. Help us see how morally bankrupt we are and our need of forgiveness.Lord help us trust more in YOUR answer to prayers than in our plans.Lord be the refuge to the poor, oppressed, and needy. Raise up the humble and resist the proud. LORD, save me from my pride.Come quickly Lord Jesus and rescue us from ourselves! Revive, reform, and restore YOUR people so that we may praise YOU and be rejoice gladly before YOUR FACE.Lord save me from my self righteousness and make me depend totally on YOUR sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead to make me right in YOUR eyes. Cover me with YOUR perfect work of redemption that I may be embraced by YOU in love. Amen


LORD, how can I hope to be accepted by YOU? (Psalm 15)


LORD, how long? (Psalm 13)