LORD, how long? (Psalm 13)

Psalm 13LORD, how long do I have to wait to see YOU move in the things that I believe are vital.HOW long before YOU send a revival?LORD revive my soul!We feel at times YOU have forgotten us. The dark lord and his lies seem to be winning over YOUR truth and YOUR people. LORD, how long?I need to hear from YOU for my thoughts are just running around in my own head and the grief I have in my heart is consuming me. Comfort me LORD in my sorrow.Answer our deepest cries! The groans of our hearts! Defeat the demonic host now in my life and light up my eyes with a new vision of YOUR greatness, goodness, and grace.I trust in your faithful committed compassion and promises to me. I rejoice in YOUR rescue of me from my sins through YOUR sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead.YOU have given me many good gifts in Messiah Jesus. Every treasure of heaven. Help me remember who YOU are and what YOU have done in the great redemption. Help me to sing to YOU from my heart.Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


LORD, help me see that I need YOU! (Psalm 14)


Lord, save us from ourselves (Psalm 12)