Lord, save us from ourselves (Psalm 12)

Psalm 12LORD, help us for we live in a generation of lies, falsehoods, half truths, and deception. Those who value and seek the truth seem very rare. We chose leaders that we know are liars and trust in them to save us. How insane have we become?Save us from ourselves.May all those who hope to win by falsehood fail. May the truth prevail.Raise up a defender for the poor and oppressed. LORD arise and bring us justice and truth again. Help us to gain a new respect and desire for YOUR written Word.Protect us now form being deceived and let YOUR Word guide us through confusing times. In times when impurity is exalted let us seek to purify ourselves even as YOU are PURE.Give us a hunger and thirst for the truth.Amen


LORD, how long? (Psalm 13)


Lord, I feel like running away! (Psalm 11)