LORD, help me see YOU all around me! (Psalm 65)

Meditation on Psalm 65Great Redeeming Creator YOU have made YOUR throne to be one of grace to me and have provided YOURSELF in Messiah Jesus as a high priest ready to help me in times of my most desperate need.YOU with your blood have paid for my countless iniquities at a price I have no ability to calculate. YOU have valued me above any reasonable evaluation of my worth. In light of this how can I ever respond enough?YOU are my satisfaction. YOU are my goodness. You have set a place aside for us to meet. YOU desire fellowship with me. I am honored above every wild imagination of honor. YOU GREAT KING bid me into YOUR very near presence.Let me see YOUR awesome deeds in both the salvation history YOU have recorded, the daily wonders of YOUR creation, and in YOUR interactions in my personal life. Open my eyes to see YOU today.Let me be in awe of YOUR great power shown in creation. YOU are the hope that all things will work out well. YOUR great power will restore Eden. Creation will be restored and the curse will end.Even now all around me are the signs of YOUR provision, protection, and power. Give me eyes to see YOU in all the regular things around me. Take my spiritual blindness away. Help me see YOU today in every aspect of creation. Let me sense YOUR presence in the wind today.Lord have mercy and awaken me YOUR presence in every atom of creation. Let me experience that I am in reality swimming in YOU every day. Open the eyes of my heart to YOU.LORD have mercy. Let me see YOU. Let me hear YOU. Let me feel YOU. Amen


LORD, let the whole earth see YOUR glory! (Psalm 66)


LORD, calm my fears! (Psalm 64)