LORD, let the whole earth see YOUR glory! (Psalm 66)

Meditation on Psalm 66Great Redeeming God of Creation who has brought YOUR merciful victory to all the earth, Great Messiah Jesus may I be in awe of YOUR deeds and power. May every nation worship YOU. May the kings of the earth bow before YOU. May the wonder of YOUR attributes be seen by all peoples.LORD, help me remember YOUR deliverance of YOUR people by blood and water out of Egypt which showed YOUR power to save and judge. Lord have mercy.LORD, YOU test me. Remember, LORD I am but dust. Give me the wisdom and strength to endure the test.MY hope is in YOUR sacrifice for our sins on the cross. Help me to believe and keep on believing day by day. Preserve my faith, hope, and love.LORD, keep me from cherishing rebellion and sin in the depths of my soul. Give me the faith I need to cry out to YOU and in your mercy hear my cry.YOU LORD, do not reject my prayer and YOU are fully committed to in wild passionate love. How can this be?Lord have mercy, Messiah have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen


LORD, Shine YOUR FACE UPON US! (Psalm 67)


LORD, help me see YOU all around me! (Psalm 65)